What ever...still I knew it...I won…I won the first battle...I was victorious in chasing out the prospective groom...My family still jokingly say...not even a grass would grow on the road through where that Boy ran....I had scared him that horribly...lol!!!What ever...I was happy...I won....
Could be yours too...you never know!!!
Follow me in this Journey of Revelation and encourage me with your valuable opinions and comments...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Marriage...??? Naaah!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
It was Urgent...
Naturally, my mom, felt bad…after coming here..to this City of Dreams, still if she go back without a decent Sight-seeing…that was silly and bad…Thus, Aunt S was invited home to stay for 2 days…and we promised ourselves, that we shall take her around…and show her some glimpses of this city…We DID fulfill our promise too…but still there was so much to see and so very little time in hand…days were so near to her departure date…back to home country…We felt bad again…ha, she hasn’t yet seen many of the beautiful shopping malls…Finally, I and hubby decided to take one day leave from work and take her for a quick Shopping Mall cum City Tour which also included a Metro and Mono Rail Ride…
As luck would have it…I fell terribly sick on the same day…I had to leave the Sight-Seeing group at one of the malls to rush to the doctor, all by myself in the car…So the plan was…they would take the Metro to the next mall and wait for me there…I happily went to the doctor…got checked and found the problem…happily took the prescription for medicines from him and drove to the mall…As I approached the Mall parking, I telephoned the gang which comprised of my mom, hubby and aunt…and informed them of the Parking Level where they could find me…
It was mid afternoon…the sun was too strong, that I almost wished if I had a Sunglass ON…It was at that moment…Suddenly, out of no where…there it came…the unexplainable…un controllable…feeling…What to do…I was in a dilemma…I knew, who to be blamed - the infection and the medicines ...I couldn’t stay a minute more in that car…I parked the car in a jiffy and rushed towards the mall in look out for the nearest Toilet…
The mall’s temperature was sooting…but, my eyes took some time to adjust…haaa…from the Hot bright sun to the Cold Normal-lit Mall…an envelope of blindness rushed into my eyes and head…but I had no time to stay back to adjust myself…I had to rush…the urge was kicking me from behind…From the 3rd floor I rushed to the 2nd floor…and looked just around the Exit gate and found the Toilet signboard to the left…I ran around the Escalators and reached the entrance of the Toilets…I saw the Gents toilet signboard to the left side and a Handicapped toilet signboard for ladies to the right…
I dint have any more patience to find the Normal Entrance for the Ladies Toilet….I rushed in…banged the door close…threw away my purse into door’s latch and proceeded to the Toilet…Once I was out of the Loo, I looked around to admire a Handicap Toilet…Oh, its soo clean and beautiful…and spacious…not like those narrow toilets that we otherwise used…It also had Mirrors, Wash Basins and what not…Wow…this is cool..if only I had a crutches, I could use this one every time..I wondered….
As I was getting fascinated with the toilet, I heard my mom and aunt’s voice outside the toilet door…I could hear them asking somebody where was the Ladies Toilet…Ah, so I don’t have to go around looking for them..they are right there…I got out immediately and found that aunt was in a hurry to get into the washroom…They were also surprised to see me coming out of the toilet…I exclaimed, “Hey Aunt, u can use this..only issue is..this is actually meant for Handicapped”…After a few moments’ thought, Mom declared…NO, it’s a shame..we will go to the other side of the escalator to the Ladies Toilet..and they left the scene…
As I was walking out, I saw my husband sitting in a bench below the escalators…He had one of those grumpy looks in his face…As I walked towards him…He showed face as if to say “Aren’t u ashamed of yourself…”…Ha…so he was not so happy that I used the Handicap Toilet…I was a bit irritated…here, I was suffering from severe infection and was literally rushing off to get into a toilet…and there, hes acting so insensitive…How mean…As I walked towards him, in an authoritative tone, I assured…
“So what…I really had no time to get into the normal one…and there was nobody waiting here also…So what, if it is for Handicap…”
He said…”Have some Shame…People were staring at you…”
As I answered, I took my seat near him facing the toilets…”Ohh, let people stare, they should understand, it was that urgggggg….”
That was the moment, I noticed the signboard….What were the emotions that came on my face at that moment, even I cant explain now…But my husband understood that I hadn’t seen what he had already seen….
I almost wished, if I could melt into thin air…as I unbelievingly stared at the signboard again to confirm…that it was ..
The Toilet for Handicapped Men….
NB: Maybe my urgency to get into the toilet or maybe my dazed eyes as I came in from the hot sun made me not actually realize it was the Gents Toilet….Or maybe seeing the Gents toilet to the left, I might have assumed that it SHOULD be Ladies Toilet to the right…WHATEVER, all I could do after that was…DISAPPEAR….as my husband was all set to send a FLASH NEWS to all friends and relatives …
Saturday, March 19, 2011
My TTDBIS List...
Last time, Tomz helped me…and this time…Thanks to Bikram…I hope, all you guys continue working on those thinking caps and help me get a topic for my blog…So, this time Bikram suddenly thought of WHAT HIS BUCKET LIST WOULD BE if he had no more time to live…if his days were counted…and as I read them, I started wondering myself…What would be mine…How long could it be…and if it was really the case in reality for me…IF I was to die soon and I was adamant to fulfill my last wishes…how many of my wishes would really be fulfilled or COULD be fulfilled…
It wasn’t just few weeks back, that I had this sudden feeling that maybe indeed I am dying… It all started when the doctor asked me to do a test to rule out the chances of a Cancer for my sickness…Gosh, trust me, I was blank…worse was my family…and Google just worsened the situation…as I googled for symptoms, it matched most of the issues I had…I suddenly thought…Am I a Cancer patient…I was a Cancerian by birth, but couldn’t imagine myself as a Cancer patient..lol!!! But then, honestly, I also was surprised to see how calm I was…When my family was busy bribing all Gods for the test results to be normal…I was wondering, WHAT IF I WAS TO DIE SOON???
One day, when I was driving home with my hubby…I asked him… “What IF…” He was irritated with my question which was being shot at him every now and then…He said…SHUT UP…I said… “No, I am asking seriously…just in case…”…He replied that he didn’t know…I joked, ha..then u can marry someone whom ur mother prefer….Joke for me…NOT FOR HIM…His face just ignored me…and my dirty joke…So I continued thinking…and wondered…what were my TTDBIS – Things to do before I sleep…

Make a list of people who should be informed of my death…I have some dear ones who are not known to my hubby or maybe not in touch now…So I thought, I should keep that list ready, so that it was easy for my husband to inform them…as I knew, such a news would make a difference to my dear ones’ life…
Make a detailed report of those secret savings I have on my son’s name…I wouldn’t want my son to not receive them, just because nobody knew about such a thing…Eventhough, I didn’t reveal to my hubby what and where and how much…(lol, as for now, it’s a secret…else what fun in the surprise later)…I told him, “U should take care of it…”..Have to also decide on what to be done with my Gold Jewellery...(ofcourse, I am not planning to give it off to my husband's second wife, hehe!!!) Even had to clearly note down what to be done with my precious treasure...like my collection of greeting cards, gifts, chocolate wrappers, books, old diaries...
Take a promise from hubby dear, that my son would be allowed to grow up with my mom…As both he and I know; nobody else could take care of my son as my mother could / would…
By hook or by crook, do something to own a house (how much ever small it is…) and later present it to my mom…A house of our own is my mom’s dream…Afterall, we lost ours during hard times…and I could do nothing till date...
Pack my bags and travel all ALONE atleast for 2 days… …rather…explore any place where NO ONE KNOW ME…and enjoy my indepenence...
Buy gifts for all my loved ones…Gifts that would remind them of me even when I am not there…
Speak out my heart openly to all my loved ones…all the bad things and the good things…
Reveal to my family and friends that I HAVE A BLOG where I write crap….lol!!! (trust me, its among the wish list…I don’t think I can tell them before that…)…OH yes, forgot…I would also reveal in my blog WHO AM I and post some pictures of myself…
I would write lots of letters for my son…Everything that I wanted to share with him as he grow up…My fears, my dreams, my losses, my gains, my strengths…if not anything…I would surely write everything about my Lost Love…something his father know, but might never share with him… The love that his mother has fakely reshaped into “friendship” and lived through… I want my son to know about that Man I loved and lost…I want my son to be friends with that Man and be with him too as he be with his own father…(ok, now this might sound crazy and stupid…but it’s the truth…)
TTDBIS 10 - Last but not the least….rather the most “difficult to happen” wish…
“Live a day” with the one I loved…better is Love…Bcoz I know, years may pass…my love for him or his love for me…shall never die…Be, life had different plans for both of us and we had to take different paths in our life…I want to spend atleast one day with him…Enjoy things that I always wished for…A Music filled home…Cook for each other…Long drive…Sunset in the Desert…I know, I might not have time to Travel around as he has always wished…But atleast just get into the aircraft and say Goodbye…

I am not sure, how many of you would approve of my TTDBIS list…I know, some of them, especially the last one sound weird and crazy and maybe an Anti-Traditional wish…But then, what to do…its my wish…I have hundreds of wishes that is in my heart today…Like travel and see beautiful places, own some expensive stuffs, enjoy some adventurous sports etc etc etc….but none of them are that important for me, as important as the above list…bcoz these are all worldly physical wishes…but when I am counting my days in this world…I prefer those wishes to top my list that are from my heart and in thought of my loved ones…
Things to do before I sleep…
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Do you know him..???
Days passed…I was slowly but happily learning to interpret their jokes…Even if I was still innocent enough not to contribute, atleast I could share their laughs…At times, when I got stuck somewhere, I would use my charm, so that one of my colleague would explain to me Secretly what it meant….hehe!!! Each one helped me without others knowing…So, I was learning…The process was really difficult, friends…but still adventurous… and above all, filled with numerous EMBARASSING MOMENTS… If I start telling each one, I might need to publish a Novel on it…hehe!!! But this one below, I can’t help sharing…
One fine night (Ok, I had night shifts as the Departure time for the flight was something after midnight…)…I walked into the Office for the Pre-Flight preparations…and there, on the board was a big warning PRINT OUT…with the name of a passenger and his flight details. Usually, we very often get Security warning for some passengers who might have similar names to FBI Watchlist people. Such passenger’s passports are crosschecked and only after thorough Security checks they are allowed to board the aircraft…Normally, when I do my Pre-flight preparations I make a list of such possible Watch Lists on that day’s flight and keep it ready myself. But then, that night, I wondered, how come, and why such big Warning to be displayed…
As soon as, I started doing my work, came in the Duty Officer…He was like extremely serious..and said… “Dear, did u see that…He is Mr. Jones XXXX …He is flying in tonight’s flight…For no reason, he should be allowed to fly without you making a thorough check…He is extremely dangerous…You see, by hook or by crook, tonight you should hold Mr. XXXX at the check-in counters…” ….I could see that extra seriousness on his face and complete silence around me…All the other staffs were seriously listening to our conversation and was exclaiming “Oh..Mr. XXXX …God, hes travelling???”…” XXXX in our flight, very dangerous” etc etc… I wasn’t sure, but I felt freaked out…I could see some of them whispering and laughing on something…I sensed something wrong somewhere…but what??? NO IDEA…
Check-in counters opened 3 hours before departure time…I was waiting anxiously at the counters…to “CATCH” this so called Mr. XXXX….The Walkie-Talkie in my hand was busy that night…
“Calling Jzt…Calling Jzt…Location???”
“Check-in Counters. Over”
“Jzt, Have you got the passenger? Over”
“Negative, passenger still not reported. Over”
“Ok, Be on Alert. Report immediately. Over and Out”
Not one or two times…literally every 10 minutes one person or other made this Walkie Call for Mr. XXXX…I was almost out of my head by then…I knew, there was something that I was not missing…I could sense a hidden laughter in each of those calls…I felt, there was some big funny stuff in the entire issue…but what…grrr…I hated it…I had all sorts of weird thoughts…Maybe the Passenger is some world famous GAY…maybe he is some girl, whose name was of a man…Maybe, he was some Senior Staff of the Airlines from the Base station…I couldn’t wait longer…I couldn’t wait for the passenger anymore…
Walkie calls continued…Everybody who was listening to the conversation knew, I was getting desperate and freaked out…I sounded pathetic…It was then, I got a call on my mobile, from our Station Manager…He happened to be at office…One of the walkie which was in the office was screaming out in the loud speaker mode all these Public calls my colleagues were making to me…(Means, when they call me on Public Line, every single person holding the walkie could hear the other’s conversation…So if one message needed to be send to 3 people at 3 different location, we just had to make a single Public call…) So, my manager who heard the funny communications, couldn’t hold on any longer…and he had called me to rescue me…
“Jzt, What is happening?”
“I don’t know…Some passenger in Watchlist…unusually everybody is making big fuss…I was just worried…”
“Jzt, Don’t you speak Hindi…”
“Yes, I do…But why…This passenger is a British”
“If you understand Hindi, then what is the issue…They are just making fun of you…with the Passenger’s name”
“What…What is there is his name to make fun of me…”
“Oh, Jzt, what is that guy’s name…”
“Its Mr. Jones XXXX”
“And what…”
“You don’t know the meaning of XXXX??? !!!!”
“NOOOOO!!! ????”
“God, you are hopeless…I can’t explain any better… Please don’t ask anybody else… Ask any of your close friends…Bye…”
Grrr….I was lost…Now I knew, it was all a big prank…but I was still not getting the “Butt of the Joke..” … It was almost nearing midnight…and this hour of the night, which friend could I call…But I couldn’t bear it anymore…I had to know it…Finally…I called a good friend…grrr…and as soon as I heard his sleepy voice at the other end…I asked…
“Hey, Sorry to disturb now, yaar.But this is important…tell me something, I want to know something…Who is this LUND???...”

Utter Silence…and then ..... "WHATTTTTTTT???"
“Do you know him…???”
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
You are a Woman...
Many wished "Happy Woman’s Day"…I said Thank you…But then…Why…What is so great in wishing a Woman’s Day…the same people who wished me, are they really doing the required to a woman…Am I doing justice to my womanhood…Am I good enough to actually celebrate Woman’s Day…Anyways, no Feminist thoughts to share…just got irritated suddenly with an issue that is been making its round in my family…for quite some time now…Yes, a Woman from my own family is being Harassed and we as family members can do nothing more than get irritated and pass comments during long distance phone calls…
The only twins in my father’s family…She and her brother were total opposites in everything…starting from looks to intelligence…He was fair…and she was dark…He was handsome, when she was just OK…He was very intelligent and studious..while she was just somehow passing every classes from school to college… But then, for any criticisms that came her way, she fought with her tongue…Nobody could ever come out safely, if they dared to make fun of her…She would whip them with words…that was she…Lets call her K…
So, K grew up into a woman…and once she reached her graduation, her parents started looking for a groom for her…she was not good in her studies and they never expected her to finish her graduation and find some job…Naturally, the next thought would be Marriage…In our part of the world…Marriage meant Settling a Girl… (I always hated that…) … Proposals kept coming and going due 101 reasons like horoscope, education, looks, career and so on…Then through one of our aunt came A’s proposal… "A" was not so educated, but was an NRI…had a job and was GREAT enough to build his own 2 storied house near to his ancestral house...He was OK looking…
As such, the family status, was not matching… Our family was a well known family, who were considered among the High Class or atleast above Middle Class… and theirs was infact considered a below middle class family… The “class” never mattered to any of us as we all wanted a Loving Husband and a caring family for our K… Marriage was fixed…Engagement over…As K explained to me her would be’s character, I got that awful Negative vibe…I warned her, to be careful as this sort of character might not be easy to handle…Soon, she realized that…She told her mom to break the engagement as he was not what he seemed…her mom, like any other narrow minded orthodox person, got worried…and exclaimed… “NOOO, how can we do that…Its all ur imagination..he will be alright after marriage…He is just being over protective…” etc etc…
Now about A…After my first meeting with 'A'; months before their marriage, I clearly understood, his heart was filled with EGO and INFERIORITY COMPLEX… I could read between his lines, his uneasiness in knowing that we had close relatives who were quite rich…He was unhappy for the fact that, K had never gone through any financial problems…He had 101 rules that K should follow…and a 1001 – DON’T Dos… For some reason, he took me as a friend…I was worried, knowing him more…I tried making him see the love and affection the whole family had for K and inturn for him too…Still, something bit somehwhere…I knew it…This was not going to be smooth ride for K…But, it was too late for me or K to do anything about it…
Marriage Day…Minutes after he tied the knot, came the first blow…He was irritated and angry because of the flow of relative who stood to click a picture with the Bride and the groom…In front of those 100’s of guests, he threw off his garland and walked off to sit with his friends…K stood there, shocked…She told me the situation…I coaxed A to come back and behave befitting the situation…He agreed…But seeing his behavior, no more relatives approached anywhere near him for any more Photo Session…Everybody felt sad…and a bit upset and also worried for K…
Within days of marriage, more issues came up…'A' never left any reason to start a big fight with K’s parents and brother…He started abusing her family…If K’s mother was not smiling, he would start a fight saying K’s mother didn’t smile purposefully to insult him…If K’s brother was not standing when he was around, that too was to insult him…Such silly were the reasons for the fights… K started getting sandwiched between her husband and her family…The old talkative K changed…she was not less than any prey inside a Lion’s Den…She was scared of her husband and her husband’s family… To avoid issues, she started telling her family to adjust..for her sake…and so did they…afterall, they wanted her happiness…
To top things up, A’s family were worse…they too never left a chance to instigate their son against K and her family…Still, her parents and brother took every insult they showered on them just for the sake of K’s happiness…To be frank, during these days, they never told another member in our family about these problems…they kept everything to themselves…They thought, things would be better with time…
Now, 'A' was a double faced Man…he would behave the most sweetest and politest Man at one side and then show the complete opposite face the very next moment…So he was very well, behaving loving and caring to K too…inspite of all the filthy problems he was creating…Finally, K left with 'A' to his work place…Chatting and telephone calls were the only means of communication…We knew just what K let us know… Within an year, she became pregnant…He took care of her very well during the first few months of pregnancy…and then started issues, as she was travelling to India for her delivery…
Things unknown to us till then started opening up…We were shocked…’A’ had taken all Gold Jewellery of K just days after their marriage and had pledged them for money…After an year, he sold them off…Now, his next demand was to get hold of K’s parent’s house…Everybody knew, if they gave the house, then 'A' would sell it off immediately…They were not ready to take that risk… They stood by their words that the house will come to K with the condition that it was not sold off…Arguments and Fights depressed the happiness of their house…The last trimester of K turned to a nightmare with the constant fights and abuses…She had the most complicated delivery…
Her husband and her family was making her life hell with different silly reasons… Finally, our family, told her… “K, if you want, we can end this relation…and we will all be there with your decision…” … But shocking all of us… K said… “What do you all want me to do…Leave him and come and stay with my Parents and be a burden to them and my brother later… This marriage was not my decision…I begged to break this..That time, no one listened to me…Now, I will suffer everything… This is my fate… And you all should see me suffering as this was forced on me by you all… Till I can, I will live…and when no more can I suffer, I will end my life…” With this, she left her parent’s home and went with her husband…
This happened almost 6 months back… Even today, she is going through hell every single day, with his family showering her with abuses about her family…with the taunts and restrictions her husband giving her every time he calls her from abroad…When ever her parents visit her to see her and her son, her In-laws create some issue and insult them…When her son was sick and K’s parents visited the hospital to see their grandson, they ordered them to get out…It seems, 'A' did not want her to keep any relation with her family…
Now, next month is K’s twin brother’s marriage…. “A” gave ultimatum that K can attend the wedding all alone and she wouldn’t be even allowed to take her son… K doesn’t want to do that…Her days are passing by in tears…She is suffering the pain of not able to be a part of all the wedding preparations of her only brother…that too her twin brother…Her parents and brother too are sad and not a day pass by without tears remembering their daughter…and the mess she is in… The last time, they were allowed to see her, she cried inconsolably in front of them…and lamented… “Mom, Dad…I am scared..I am scared of everybody….I am sad…This is my fate…I am not sure, how long I will live like this…Maybe I will just turn mad…”…
I told you all, a real story happening in my own family…After reading this, many of you might have 101 things to say…Many might blame us for not doing something to save her…But trust me, every single member of my family, today, is looking for some possible way to save her… We thought of different ways…A Police Case, Complaining to NGOs for Women Empowerment etc …. But then, how can we do anything, when SHE is not ready to accept it…When she is adamant on her decision to suffer, as if she is punishing her own parents….How can anybody help her when she herself is taking all the pain as her FATE…
Today is Woman’s Day…K’s mother, a woman, even now might be cursing her helplessness and crying thinking of her daughter and her safety….K is also a woman…a Woman who might be sitting in some corner of her In-law’s house and shedding tears for yet another silly reason...
Are they enjoying this day meant to be a day for every Woman… Can we wish them a Happy Woman’s Day….
“Dear Sister, we love you…Yes, we agree, we made a mistake…but then, today we repent and we want to change it…We want to bring back the smile in you…Its not too late yet…Please, think well…Make the right decision…We are with you...Don’t punish us by punishing yourself…Be Strong and face the World…You have suffered as much as you could…Now it is time to stand up for your right…for your future…for your happiness…Wipe your tears and don’t forget…
You are a Woman…”
About Me

- Jzt 4 me...
- About Me..what shall I say about myself...I am just like any of you... a normal human being with lots of imagination,thoughts,view points... They might seem crazy to you...But Beware..never call me Crazy..because what's crazy for you might be the most meaningful thing for somebody else...That's how it works... In the pages of this blog, at many points, you might see me with your own eyes...you might enjoy my dreams...you might relate to my opinions...you may even be able to feel my never ending thoughts in those repetetive "..." !!! But beware, at times I might not be anywhere near what you see...So...take your time..your patience..and never forget to keep your smile alive...as you go through these pages with me...Jzt for me...
Recent Comments
On Apr 03 KP commented on happy mothers day
Beautifully said and candidly too. There cannot be agreement on all things but that would not...(more)
On Feb 13 Jzt 4 me... commented on my v day
Dost, He is 11 now.
On Feb 13 Jzt 4 me... commented on a fresh new day
Thank you Dost.. Wishing you too all happiness throughout.. :)
On Jan 29 KParthasarathi commented on my v day
Indeed, what more a mother can want from a son than a touching demonstration of his love and...(more)
On Jan 28 KP commented on a fresh new day
May your wishes and prayers,hopes and yearnings and desires and aspirations materialise to your...(more)
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