My thoughts, my emotions, my feelings, my imaginations, my opinions, my fears, my dreams...

Could be yours never know!!!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Years back...

What do you think that grows with every moment...what is it that can fly any distance without getting exhausted....what is it that can make you smile and cry at the same time...???

For me, I feel, it is our Memories...because, even dreams fade with an open eyes...imaginations walks off with moment of reality...hopes fade with the truth...But then, Our Memories...they never stop their journey...with every seconds that pass in our life, we get a hundred new things to stack away into our heart, our brain...they form the Memories of our Life...

At times, I get so mused with the way, within seconds my present tense becomes the past tense adding a lot more into my Memory Bag...I can still feel, the shiver that went pass through me when I had to jam onto the brakes today morning, when I saw someone driving so lost about to cross me..(lol..maybe he felt, he had to reach his destination before me...)...whatever...but, now it's just a memory...then why am I still feeling that shiver...why are my hands cold with the very thought of the moment I pressed my foot against that brake pad...(Gosh...if I had missed that one moment, I myself would have been a Memory!!!but that's not funny...uhmm!!!)Anyways, let me come back to the point...So that is what I call "Travelling to the Past in the Present"... Trust me, you don't need a Time Machine for that...Just give yourself a second and Vrooooooom, there you are....

That's me... I travel so much with my memories...They seem to be the best friend you can have...they can make you smile..make you cry..make you bitter...make you sweet...and what not...

Today, my memories took me almost 10 years back...this is the day, when a new page of my life was Titled....this day might not be a prominent day of my life, but ofcourse it was the starting point for a very life changing phase ... a phase which started off with smiles turned to tears and ended up in a determination...What was the final outcome???I can never name the "change" that phase has brought in me...A positive one or a negative...???Maybe, a mixture of both... Whatever... it did bring in a big change in me...a "New Me" was born ...

So when my memories took me to that day..years back...I felt like sharing it with an important character of that "phase of my life.."... just to know, what would be the reaction when I take him with me, not one or two years back, but 10 long doesn't even remember what is today...but still, he got shocked to realise, its 10 long years past that day...he felt, "it was just a few days back"...uhmm...

So that is the best about memories...It can take you miles and miles and still you might not feel exhausted travelling all that distance..especially when you are saving your time, by travelling all that distance in a jiffy...

So guys, try taking a trip in your personal Time Machine today...and see what Roller Coaster experience you get with that moments of journey to your Past that was your Present once....


Anjy's World said...

Love, like the memories, can flow anywhere, everywhere...anytime...and like the memories, is capable of inducing tears....the trick being, of course, to let the memories be where they are and dissociate the pain from them! Not easy, but once yu have done it, is a workable solution to most problems in the world :-)
Nice post, keep writing and hope to know about you more through these words that you so willingly write...let your thoughts flow, dont be concerned who is reading or who is not...or what anyone thinks...chances are that no one thinks anything at all!

Unknown said...

I love this post please keep writing, I would contend that u lean more about your life from your teenage. that she or he,
If you’ve made the correct decision about what to do with your life, then you should feel that overall, this was the best possible choice you could have made without the benefit of specific hindsight. You will see some mistakes you made along the way, but you’ll also see that given what you knew at the time, they were largely unavoidable. When you look back over your life, your dominant thought will be, “I did my best. I may not have lived a perfect life, but I did the best I could.

In my short knowledge

You never know who you can trust
You never know who's gonna stab you in the back
Sometimes you just don't know your friends
Sometimes you gotta sleep with one eye open.
It's hard to know who's on your side and who's against
It's hard to recognise the truth behind the lies
Sometimes a moment, sometimes many, many years
You'll find it written in their eyes.