My thoughts, my emotions, my feelings, my imaginations, my opinions, my fears, my dreams...

Could be yours never know!!!

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Survival of the Luckiest

Uhm... Another day is done with..Yes, thats the exact thing that can be said to explain the day TODAY.... What was expected and What happened...Is this just another dream, a night mare..or just another imagination...It might take some time to accept the fact that we are turning into Singluar forms from the once plural form...uhm...If I start explaining "the day Today..." I might end up with lots of sighs and uhmms...but I need to take in the truth...Yes, it happened... something that atleast I never expected. I am sure, you are all completely confused with what ever I am saying..but the truth is, I myself is confused...What is this...What is happening...It's not true, is it???

My yester night closed with lot of fears and apprehensions of what is going to happen today... My day today started with a shivering leg walking towards my destination with a heart filled with just "thomps and domps..."..Yes, my heart was fast beating as moments passed by... Now I feel, the best weapon to kill a person without blood will be Rumours and Gossips... They are strong enough to entertain you, scare you, hurt you...rumours that make you smile might bring tears to someone somewhere else...The one I heard yesterday was a confusing one..Should I smile or Should I cry..or Should I just wait for what's the truth...I opted for the third option...Waited for the truth, but ofcourse with a heavy war happening inside my heart...The war between the optimism and pessimism inside me...

Anyways, I am at my here and time passed by... and then I heard... The rumour was true...but what I heard was not complete...I wish, it stayed so..but came out as front of my eyes...It happened. Soon I was left behind with tears in my eyes parting good byes to some of those with whom I spend most of my day..they were not family, but they were like a family...they were not my friends, but they were like one...and now, they were no longer there... they were not dead..but ofcourse, their absence left a dead feeling in us...What was it, that happened...

The Battle for Living...The Survival of Fittest... all these are very common phrases that prevails in our day to day life...Today, I witnessed something like that... but here, I saw a new phenomena.."Survival of the Luckiest".(atleast thats how I felt about the whole thing)... the lucky me survived today... but my eyes filled up seeing the "unlucky" fellows saying Good Bye...I never wanted this...Ofcourse, I always wished I survive...I never wished I survive and others don't...It's always better to survive with your fellow beings, even if you love being alone...uhm...and here I am confused...Should I smile that I survived this time...(never know what's tomorrow..but still..) Should I cry that we are getting more small in size after this day... Unity is Strength...but if there's none to unite, then???? or Should I worry expecting the same might happen to me too, some day...or Should I just hope optimistically, that this might be last of it...I am confused...I am... or rather We all are... as now I feel, we are left behind at a battlefield with the motto "All for yourself"... You fight or you die...But fight against what...Fight against our Luck????

Anyways, it's already past...No one can change it...I made up my mind and my heart to believe that all that happened was destined to happen... In this world, there are lots of battles to be fought... and soon you will emerge as winners elsewhere... and there you will be the most luckiest person, the Survivor... I will surely miss those parted ways today, but my prayers will be with each one of you for a wonderful life ahead...

And for you readers, who are still confused...I am sure who you started reading this blog with a clear mind would be staring at the screen with a lost mind now...Let me just put my whole blog in one sentence...

I just survived a 'Head Cut-Down' , an outcome of the most dreaded/hated Word in this todays world ... "RECESSION"...For this time, I won the game of "Survival of the Luckiest"...