I am sure, my regular 'sickness' stories are irritating atleast for some of you…But what to do guys... somehow, I and a Hospital are like Twins… I have got many such twins… for eg; a headache and me are twins again…Somehow, I was a regular to end up at the hospital and to be precise at the Operation theatre…hehe!!! And some of the incidents are such hilarious happenings, that even when I was in pain, I couldn’t help laughing thinking how I ended up in tht state…
So…Today I suddenly remembered how often I used to reach those beautiful corridors of a hospital and how regular was I there…Uhm, I was so regular that once when I went to visit some sick person at a ward, the Nurses asked me… ”Hey dear, long time…u haven’t been here…When is your next visit…”…Uhm.. Cant blame her either...Hehe, I really helped that hospital earn a lot of money and thereby drained my dad’s person…
Now, I would like to share with you some such stories…Sorry guys, this could be long..bear with me…
The Pull-Out Pull
This is the one I remember earliest from my history with hospitals…Ok, now, from childhood, I have this habit of sleeping in one still position. I could sleep a whole night without even stirring a bit or moving my hand or legs…I was 8 years old then…I slept one whole night resting my head on my right hand…by next day morning…I was having acute pain at the shoulder joints…Now my dad, who had this regular joint pains had a number of Ayurvedic oils in stock..and he smeared one of it on my hand and did some massage and did some pulling-pushing…and I was done..my pain was gone…I was happy…and left for school…
By afternoon, my pain came back…and I knew exactly what to be done…I requested one of my friend to repeat what my dad did…I showed her a demonstration of how to pull the hand…and she did…Only issue was…Suddenly I heard a CLICK and then I found myself screaming…writhing in pain…I was rushed to the hospital…Diagnosis was that the hand came out from its natural socket and took its position outside the socket…the pain was horrible…
Result: To the Hospital…It took 3 months for the doctors to pull back the hand and put it back into position inside the socket…hehe!!!
The Race
This was a cool one and a good lesson learnt…Never cheat in a race…It was the day of a Political Bandh…the roads were empty and naturally we kids were on the road…We all decided to have a Running race…Everybody stood at one end – The Start point…One of the girl shouted…Readyy…Steadyyyy…Goooo…everybody got the head start except ME THE GREAT…Naturally, the ego in me grew…I said…NOOOOOOO…that’s wrong…I was not ready…Start again…I will count…” … Not so happy about it, still they had to agree to my words…they came back to the Start…We all stood…all set to run…I counted very slowly…. “READYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY…STTTTTTT….” I just kept on with that STTTTTT till the point the others were getting irritated…
And that one second, I suddenly finished my words… “STEADYYYYYY GO…” and ran…hehe!!! This time except me, none of them were ready…I ran forward and then stopped to turn and see my friends’ face…I did turn around and next moment, I found myself on the floor…Lol..while I turned my body, I forgot to turn my feet along with it…and I sprained my leg…rather, again a similar disaster..the joints came out of its socket…again…
The Sky Watching
I was some 12-13 years old…Was playing with my childhood friend A at the back side of my house…We had lots of Coconut Trees all around the house…and we had already received a warning from Mom to be careful as it was time for plucking the coconuts…and MAYBE some of the Ripe one might fall out and so we were not supposed to be anywhere below any of the Coconut trees…We were obedient kids…We were roaming around all the Trees and inspecting if any of them is yet to fall off…
By the time we reached the front side of the house, I was proudly telling my friend… “Hey, A…do u know…imagine, we are looking at the sky with open mouth…and then a coconut fall into ur mouth…hahah!! How wonderful would it be na…”… and we both started laughing…bcoz we both were imagining one of common enemy doing that stuff…to make it more funny, I started acting out like an idiot looking up at the sky with open mouth…
Next I was going to act the way our enemy would talk…but before I could say another word… “Dooommmmmmmmmmm”…Actually I didn’t really hear anything else other than my own screaming…I couldn’t feel anything or see anything…All I knew was smthing had hit my upper lip and I felt as if the whole upper lip got cut off….hehehe!!
Much later, I understood, when I was standing there with open mouth doing Sky watching…a small C
oconut (not the grown up..but just the Baby things…that usually fall prematurely from the tree…grr.. I don’t know a word for it…see the photo..)..Anyways, whtever it is fell on my face, to be precise, on my upper lip…Imagine, if it was a real coconut…godddd…!!! I wouldn’t have been alive today to share this story with u all…

Anyways Result: Back to Hospital to stitch up the wound…my upper lip looked more like a Balloon for days after that…
The Water Skating
I have hoards of such adventurous stories to share with you all..but maybe not possible in one post…So I wanna finish it with just one more which was a very recent addition to my list Hilarious Accidents…
So this happened maybe 1 year back…my son has already started walking or rather running…He learnt how to operate different things around the house..and one day, I was at the kitchen…as usual gossiping with Mom…Suddenly, I heard a splash of water….My son was missing and I knew it…the source and trigger for that sound…It was my son experimenting with the Hand water shower…he had just learnt how to use it….uhmm…
I was worried of him slipping inside the washroom and fall and hurt himself… I had to literally run to catch him…and then…Tadaaaaaaaa….the next moment, I found myself hitting the floor with my back and skidding across the corridor in a pool of water…I knew, it was my latest ticket to the Doctor's place...
So, it so happened, my son who was in the Washroom at the other end was splashing the water right into the corridor…Naturally a pool of water on tiles wouldn’t make it any better…Plus, I was running without even noticing what I was stepping into…and I fell…and…

With you being accident prone and with your penchant to fall at the drop of hat,the first thing would be to have a big medical cover for hospital bills!!! You must have been mischievous even in your younger days!!lols.Hilarious post.
Best wishes for a safe sojourn
This is such a hilarious post Anamika...entertaining readers at your own expense...and what a waste of money always having a trip to the doctor, I wonder now you must be a stockholder in that hospital :) hence the smiles the staff give you there...because you've become so popular na...:)
Why not get a good medical insurance, lols! to cover all *accidental expenses*???
you really, really made me smile here... :)
omg your stories are so funny! but atleast there was noone around to see you fall :P i had the whole tram staring at me :P
im definately going to follow your blog noww :]x
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