Imagine, you have seen a movie 3-5 times already…so by the 6th or 7th time, when you are watching you would be able to tell what is going to happen next or what dialogues gonna be said….Same happens with me and my recurring dreams…If I talk about those dreams, that I see not one or two times…you might think I am crazy…Trust me friends…I am not…its just that due some unknown phenomena… some of the dreams I see, keep recurring during many nights… Just read on for one such thrilling experience I had with one of the recurring dream…no longer a recurring one…
I am at my school..The whole school looks deserted and dark… I was running as if was trying to escape from something or somebody…I can see myself running through the wooden balcony of the main block and then through the play ground and so on…I am scared and tensed…what was most scary about the dream was, I myself never knew what was I running from…I was just running as if my life depended on that…
I ran towards the back side of the main block and then hid in one of the classrooms (which was a day care during the days I studied in that school)…there was a window in that room and I was scared and panting for breath…I was peeping through the window on the look out for some danger but all I could see from that window was the Toilets at the far end of the school premise…
And then, I saw a guy…he jumped through the window and hid inside the room with me…we both never spoke…it was as if, he never saw me or rather I was invisible…I always used to feel, I was in the world of some Video Game of a War/Battle Field…He crouched so low below that window as if he was hiding from somebody and then at one moment he jumped out of the window and ran to the left…at this moment, as if from nowhere, a group of 3 people came with guns and shot this guy down to death….
Every time I saw this dream, I will be watching all this from the same class room that I was hiding….Now, this has been happening for quite some years…
Last year, one night, I was again seeing this same dream…from start…In my consciousness, I knew what was going to happen next and I was seeing them as I remembered…and the dream reached to the point when this guy jumped into my hideout…as usual, he was sitting there hiding…In my mind, I knew, next he would jump out and would get killed…and as I knew it, he suddenly rouse and was about to jump out…
But this one time, I spoke…I told him… “Hey, don’t go…I know, there is danger there…When you go out and run, there will be some enemies coming from the right side and would shoot you down…”…For the first time, in all these years of my recurring dream, this guy turned and looked at me…He too seemed surprised to see me in there…as if he had never expected…He had so many questions in his eyes…He never said anything...we just stared at each other…and then I repeated… “Don’t go…you will get killed…” …He still dint talk…nor did he go…we both looked out of the window and waited…
Soon, as I predicted, the 3 people came from the right side…they were shooting with their guns and ran past us as if they were frantically looking for somebody…Once they crossed us…this guy turned to me…he had a Thanks in his eyes…and was just about to say something to me…
And, lo and behold,…I opened my eyes…I was awake….I tried sleeping again to see the rest of that dream… neither could I ever hear what that guy was going to say nor did I ever see that dream again…But the memory of that dream still stays fresh in my mind and always as clear as before…
I could never understand, why I used to have such a dream again and again…and why dint I see it after that day…I don’t know…At times, I feel, maybe I was in that dream again and again just to save that guy…afterall, I was never attacked…nor have I ever seen anybdy chasing me…Maybe, afterall, it was this guy who
was being chased and my mission was to SAVE him from the enemies…
Above that question, the more intriguing question that haunts me is…afterall…
I am at my school..The whole school looks deserted and dark… I was running as if was trying to escape from something or somebody…I can see myself running through the wooden balcony of the main block and then through the play ground and so on…I am scared and tensed…what was most scary about the dream was, I myself never knew what was I running from…I was just running as if my life depended on that…
I ran towards the back side of the main block and then hid in one of the classrooms (which was a day care during the days I studied in that school)…there was a window in that room and I was scared and panting for breath…I was peeping through the window on the look out for some danger but all I could see from that window was the Toilets at the far end of the school premise…
And then, I saw a guy…he jumped through the window and hid inside the room with me…we both never spoke…it was as if, he never saw me or rather I was invisible…I always used to feel, I was in the world of some Video Game of a War/Battle Field…He crouched so low below that window as if he was hiding from somebody and then at one moment he jumped out of the window and ran to the left…at this moment, as if from nowhere, a group of 3 people came with guns and shot this guy down to death….
Every time I saw this dream, I will be watching all this from the same class room that I was hiding….Now, this has been happening for quite some years…
Last year, one night, I was again seeing this same dream…from start…In my consciousness, I knew what was going to happen next and I was seeing them as I remembered…and the dream reached to the point when this guy jumped into my hideout…as usual, he was sitting there hiding…In my mind, I knew, next he would jump out and would get killed…and as I knew it, he suddenly rouse and was about to jump out…
But this one time, I spoke…I told him… “Hey, don’t go…I know, there is danger there…When you go out and run, there will be some enemies coming from the right side and would shoot you down…”…For the first time, in all these years of my recurring dream, this guy turned and looked at me…He too seemed surprised to see me in there…as if he had never expected…He had so many questions in his eyes…He never said anything...we just stared at each other…and then I repeated… “Don’t go…you will get killed…” …He still dint talk…nor did he go…we both looked out of the window and waited…
Soon, as I predicted, the 3 people came from the right side…they were shooting with their guns and ran past us as if they were frantically looking for somebody…Once they crossed us…this guy turned to me…he had a Thanks in his eyes…and was just about to say something to me…
And, lo and behold,…I opened my eyes…I was awake….I tried sleeping again to see the rest of that dream… neither could I ever hear what that guy was going to say nor did I ever see that dream again…But the memory of that dream still stays fresh in my mind and always as clear as before…
I could never understand, why I used to have such a dream again and again…and why dint I see it after that day…I don’t know…At times, I feel, maybe I was in that dream again and again just to save that guy…afterall, I was never attacked…nor have I ever seen anybdy chasing me…Maybe, afterall, it was this guy who

Above that question, the more intriguing question that haunts me is…afterall…
NB: Can any of you interpret dreams… Then I might have to hire you as my official dream interpreter… lol!!! I am not joking …That’s how dreams / nightmares haunt me… I am sooo good at seeing them and most of the time I do remember them…As once I told you before, some dreams that hurts me, for some strange reason do become reality not directly but atleast something would happen in my life that have some connection to the dream I saw…