Its been a couple of posts that I spoke about strangers, chat friends, virtual friends and all. But strangely, lately, I got friendly with a stranger…lol!!! I knowww…u r saying, NOT AGAIN…hmmm…what to do guys…How much ever I keep off from any new relations, I end up making a new one…and I end up considering them as close friend or brother or sister or uncle or aunt or…whatever… Just doesn’t seem to practice what I preach to myself…
Anyways, I will tell u about this person…Before that, lemme tell you about my last few rendezvous with strangers in the world of Chat…As I told you, the Chatting business is no longer a mode of hobby for me…Yes, there was a time, when I sought to chat to anonymous strangers just to while off time and also to just pretend that ALL IS WELL. With time and age, maybe I changed and I lost interest in it and thereafter, chatting was a rare thing for me. This was what was happening for past 7-8 years… Let me tell, I did make friends among strangers still, through this blog… Got a couple of sweet and nice friends with whom I exchange mails once a while…
A couple of years back, some person who had a similar name of one of my classmate added me on my messenger. Mistaking him to be my ex-classmate, I did add him and as soon as I started talking to him, I knew, this is not the same person. Basically, being a friendly outgoing character, I dint immediately delete him and did chatted with him once a while. With a few chats, I realized, he wasn’t worth being a friend so I blocked him off. I always hated people who tried acting smart and I kept my distance with them. Maybe my life experience really scared me not to get close to any strangers…hmmm!!!
Now, let’s come back to the Stranger, I befriended recently…I will be precise about the information… On May 2, 2012, I get a friends request from an old office mate. Those days, I chatted with my aunt or few friends from school days once a while as and when they were ON and I was free enuf to type down… They were all very short chats and never cud actually sit online to even browse the net. Life was flying too fast for me then… That’s when he added me.
It was years later that I am hearing from this guy. He had actually just disappeared running off from some financial issues. So, naturally, the curiosity to know what happened to him was there and that urged me to chat with him. Still, I started the chat by checking if it was him or not, and ALAS, it wasn’t him. It was some guy from somewhere else. The first thing I did was to apologize to him and explain to him that I mistook him for somebody else and that’s why I accepted his friend’s request. I even deleted him off from my friends list. I wasn’t going to take any chance with strangers, I knew it.
Haha!!! What a joke…Everyday, he started my day with his wishes and very childish comments and jokes. I was busy with work, and his comments brought a smile. As days passed, he confided to me that, “He was actually using some fake id” and he revealed his real identity…I wasn’t surprised or shocked, as I had no expectations of this stranger and above anything, “I was a complete a stranger for him too.”
Thus we became friends. With a little bit of investigation into the information he gave about himself and his jovial nature, I accepted him into my list of friends. We spoke about anything and everything… Philosophy, Comedy, Realities, Life, Accidents, Past (his past…hmmm…remember, I still opted to stay as a mystery). He was part of the Management team of a business establishment, but what I saw was the child in him. The way he joked and got upset for silly things, I was actually so busy mocking and teasing him for his childishness.
Amidst all the busy schedule and problems of life, this BIG friend is a mood twister. This is the moment when I realized, how a little strangeness can make a difference…Only in the land of strangeness can we do all the madness we want to…That’s what our friendship was and is… With NO ties or bonds, we are just two individuals who live their life in two different parts of the world but share a Virtual bond of friendship with NO expectations…You give or you take, who cares!!! Its been years that I had a friend with whom I cud be so…Like a kindergarten kid…haha!!! That’s how a child should be, right? How true, that how much ever we grow, we should try to find time to nurture the child in us and that would keep you afresh…Not sure of the expiry date of such relations, but as long as it stays, I prefer to "live it"...

As expected, like any other kid, he came back saying sorry and with his usual self of stubbordness… “When I say sorry, U SHOULD accept it and start talking to me…” haha!!! So sweet of him…Was I angry with him, Naaaah!!! Afterall, for me…he is the child in me…the drop of sillyness in the sea of maturity…the boy who takes me back to world of nursery rhymes…he is the…
“L’il boy down the Lane...”